Angelina Papas Dip.HICAT. (MBed) Dip.HOL.COUNS. (MBed) Cert.Med.Teach.(MBed) 

ABN 3162 159 5087

Inspiring self-realisation through creative expression

Thank you for choosing me as a partner in your emotional health and wellbeing journey. Please read each section carefully.

*Those booking Holistic Counselling may go straight down the page to the booking form.

Creative Arts Therapy and Sand Tray Counselling

I am a Holistic Counsellor integrating Creative Art Therapies. Creative Therapeutic Arts involve many methods of application. It is an integrative mental health and wellbeing service that enriches many lives of individuals, families, communities and professional industries.

Expressive Arts is a way to give voice to that which is not easily expressed with words. Art based therapies use art processes and products to work through and deal with challenges many people face to help them develop their potential to live healthy, fulfilling lives. Expressive Arts, including Sand Tray Play can be calming and therapeutic in nature, as well as be an outlet for self-expression based on your intention and goals.

You do not have to have experience or skill in art making to participate. The process is one that is fully supported within a welcomed safe space, cultivating freedom of expression. It’s essential to know the process and being open to trying is most important part, inspiring positive change.

As a creative therapist I do not interpret art imagery or the sand tray story, however, I will help you discover your own meaning through the creative process. Imagery and narrative has the potential to emerge spontaneously during the creative process. This often suggests new sources of strength or new possibilities for positive change. Rather than approaching this from a place of concern, the unconscious can become a reservoir of useful information and guidance.


Art based Therapy and Sand Tray counselling like other psychotherapies and counselling, is a relationship-based process that involves working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and interest. Through working on previous and current life issues, future dilemmas become more manageable. Success in attaining treatment goals is based on the participant’s trust, willingness, and motivation for change to engage in the process.


The session content and all relevant materials will be held confidential unless a request in writing is submitted to have all or portions of such content released to a specifically named person/persons.

Limitations to confidentiality are itemised below:

  • A client conducts him/herself in way that there is a substantial risk of incurring serious bodily harm. A client threatens grave bodily harm to another person.

  • Angelina has a reasonable suspicion that a client or other named victim is the perpetrator, observer of, or actual victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

Therapy Appointments, Electronic Appointment Reminders, Cancellations

The standard meeting time for individual therapy is 60 minutes. If a longer session is required, options and fees may be discussed in advance. A reminder email is sent in advance before the session. Email reminders provide the opportunity to cancel or reschedule within 48 hours without incurring the late cancellation fee.

Cancellation fee will be 25% of the total cost of your appointment.

Please cancel or reschedule with notice of at least 48 business hours.  Please call, text, or email your therapist to communicate scheduling changes. If you miss your appointment without notice, this will be considered a late cancellation.

Social Media

Unless given consent, Angelina may not respond to messages or comments if we have already begun a therapeutic relationship and she reserves the right to delete public comments to protect your confidentiality.

Creative Works

Artworks or Sand Trays created in session provides a tangible representation of your experiences in session and progress in treatment. Angelina will create a portfolio of your creative works or alternatively, you can choose to take artwork home, and or she will take photographs of the piece to add to your portfolio.

By signing this form, you authorise Angelina to photograph and use your original artwork for consultation and documentation purposes only. Artwork will be shared in a respectful, professional manner and all identifying information will be removed or covered to protect your confidentiality. 

*Holistic counselling integrated with creative arts therapy also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote and support healing and recovery back to one’s whole self.