Holistic counselling

Holistic wellbeing is based on the theory that one aspect cannot be healthy without the balance and harmony of all aspects. Each aspect will be determined by an individual’s personal belief system. When an individual brings into balance all aspects, they feel whole, in harmony with life, experiencing joy and fulfilment.

Holistic counselling embodies a philosophy that individuals are multifaceted, where emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects intertwine. It emphasises the whole person, rather than an isolated symptom or issue.

Holistic Counselling is about clearly identifying needs in all facets of life, a holistic counsellor is there to provide support to individuals as they explore and assess their own needs. Establishing support and providing a customised plan that will help release beliefs and traumas that hinder happiness and fulfilment in life.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” — Socrates

The advantage for seeking holistic support from Templestone Wellbeing is that you have a variety of creative choices to express and integrate to discover who you truly are and what you really need.

We all have individual styles of expression and sometimes it takes more than words.

*One on One sessions, choose from various programs.