Like art therapy, sand tray counselling is an act of trusting an inner wisdom, as the unconscious mind reveals its own unique and perfect path of self-discovery and an important tool as it provides the opportunity for deep transformation.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation
— Plato



Sand Tray Counselling or ‘play” is one of the creative therapies offered at Templestone Wellbeing. Grounded in Jungian Psychology, the focus is on bridging the gab between the unconscious and conscious. The therapist does not interpret or interfere with or direct the individual in any way, the process is self-interpreted using miniature figures, objects, symbolism, metaphors and archetypes.

With the aid and support of the counsellor, analysis takes place after the sand tray, recognising the relationship between the creation in the sand and the client’s inner world.

Used with intent the sand tray is a way of processing and healing emotions. The tray acts like a sponge absorbing hurt, anger and fears all revealed within the scenes or stories created rather than, often a painful voice. It utilises the process of storytelling, a remarkable way to create change and regain control.

Other benefits include:

  • It provides a way to communicate when verbalising becomes too difficult.

  • It enables the therapist to work with the client to discover the symbolism and potential metaphors behind the scenes of the figurines in the sand. 

  • The kinesthetic quality of the sand itself provides the feeling of a smooth texture and having the freedom to play around with it can be soothing for the client.

  • Eliminating words and focusing on the figurines allows a therapeutic distance between the client and his or her current problems.

  • It creates a safe space for potentially reliving that trauma while also enforcing natural boundaries such as the perimeter of the sand tray. 

  • The therapy allows the client to feel in control, it is also necessary to promote safety.

  • It is client centred therapy whereby their interpretation is most important. 

  • Sand tray counselling has been proven to help enable and support clients to discover and speak more openly, regaining control, to move through in a positive direction from their past traumas and foster better management of any ongoing problems.

*Suitable from the ages 5 to adulthood, all creative therapies utilise the holistic approach

*One on One sessions

What types of situations can benefit by utilising creative therapies?

(Some may exclude dance meditation)

  • Children with learning disabilities 

  • Adults experiencing stress or anxiety.

  • Individuals experiencing challenging changes in life

  • People experiencing self-confidence or self-worth problems.

  • People experiencing mental health problems

  • Children or adults who have experienced a traumatic event.