reiki and sound bath
The word Reiki signifies spiritual energy healing. Its Japanese founder was Mikado Usui, a Monk, who became spiritually awakened with the gift of the Reiki cure during his climb on Mount Kurama.
Today, more than a 100 years later, the system of Reiki is being successfully practiced all over the world.
Enjoy your Reiki session combined with a soothing sound bath.
Sound therapy is soothing sounds of frequencies & vibrations which slow down brain waves bringing the body into a meditative state of relaxation.
Our bodies also have a vibrating frequency and relax with sound as it sympathetically resonates to match the vibration of sound, bringing the body into balance & harmony.
Various forms of musical tools maybe used ranging from singing crystal bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls and drum. Used with the proper intention almost any musical instrument maybe used for healing.
What are the benefits?
*clears energetic blockages which help balance energetic centres/chakras
*improves sleep
*lowers blood pressure
*supports mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing
*Brings the body into a relaxed state which is the best environment for optimal healing.
The practice of Reiki loosens up blocked energy, promoting a state of relaxation and calmness. Reiki reduces levels of stress, tension, anxiety and depression. The beautiful and uplifting gift of Reiki energy is passed through the practitioner's hands onto areas of the client’s body, including the body’s chakra system. Chakras are energy points in the body, which correspond to nerves & organs, all which affect our emotional & physical wellbeing.
Energy is an important part of the body’s physiology; it is described as life force. Someone who maintains a healthy flow of energy constitutes good health & harmonic resonance with earth & nature. The Reiki treatment is passed through the practitioner’s hands over the client’s body as they lay fully clothed on a massage bed (Physical contact is not necessary).
Integrating other therapeutic tools; Crystals, therapeutic sounds (drum, bells, crystal bowls) & essential oils.
What to expect
The body’s energy plays an important part in how we feel, which affects wellbeing. Utilising evidence based practices such as Reiki coupled with enhancing sound vibrations promotes relaxation, as it calms the body & mind. Reiki also cleanses stagnant energy within the body, almost like a detox. The intention is to lighten & balance the body’s energy bringing it back to its natural resonance. Stagnant energy maybe released either emotionally or physically.
The complimentary synergy can be active for up to three days after a treatment, so it’s best to take advantage by nurturing your mind & body during this time.
What does this mean?
Take note of dreams, old emotions may resurface in order to release. Eat for wellness-sake, hydrate well, take time out to meditate or perform something meditative (even for just 10mins a day) maybe take a mineral salt & essential oil bath & most importantly create healthy emotional boundaries.
When is a good time for Reiki and Sound Bath?
A good time to schedule a session is when someone is stressed/anxious and cannot relax, after a house move, change of work, challenging relationships and emotional trauma. Integrated with healing sound waves, reiki is a good way to relax and reset the mind and body, it is a supportive way to assist someone who is consciously working on their wellbeing. This lovely form of integration is an energetic treatment and reset that may be practiced periodically, as you would other treatments such as massage or acupuncture treatment in order to maintain wellbeing.