Music and dance not only open the sensory and motor circuits of the brain but open centres of pleasure, releasing brain chemicals called endorphins. Movement meditation otherwise known as flow, ecstatic or 5 elements’ primary function is to switch off from mental or analytical thought and allow the higher consciousness to move through the body and express oneself through the act of movement.

This form of dance is used with music and intent as a vehicle of energetic release and freedom of expression without feeling self-conscious. 



What are the benefits of Dance Movement Meditation?

  • Long-term effects help reduce chronic pain.

  • People feel happier and more satisfied with their lives.

  • As the brain releases endorphins, they create a feeling of comfort, relaxation, fun and power.

  • A sense of wholeness and connectiveness is experienced from within and as a group.

  • A loss of inhibitions and lettings go of a conditioned proper conservative restrictive way of being.

  • Movement without thought allows one to be authentic with one’s whole self.

  • Rhythmic body movement/repetition has the purpose of contacting deeper layers within the body this serves as to how important it is to get out of one’s head

What should you expect?

Templestone Wellbeing utilises world music and integrates the shamanic drum in conscious dance workshops.

The workshop starts off with a shamanic drum meditation, then the facilitator will guide the class through the five elements with various conscious dance movements.

The workshop ends with a soothing meditation

Group Workshop - 2 Hour maximum

$40 per person (minimum charge for 8 people)

What types of situations can benefit by utilising creative therapies?

(Some may exclude dance meditation)

  • Children with learning disabilities 

  • Adults experiencing stress or anxiety.

  • People experiencing self-confidence or self-worth problems.

  • Children suffering from behavioural or social problems.

  • People experiencing mental health problems.

  • Individuals suffering from brain injuries.

  • Children or adults who have experienced a traumatic event.